Work Groups are where CAN collaborative work happens. Groups do research, share learning, come up with ideas to make care in Philly better and then try out those ideas to see how well they work. Together we develop community tools, programs, events and awareness raising campaigns.
Agenda Setting
bi-Annual STAKEHOLDER meeting to learn what other working Groups are doing and plan
Community Group
learning from lived experiences of parents, caregivers and local community
Steering Committee
leadership Group of backbone-organization and co-chairs from each working group
Holistic Approach to Anti-Racism in Maternal Health Care
•Race and culture are incorporated into all aspects of health care system
• Black mothers and birthing people feel safe medically and psychologically at hospitals
• Access to doulas and other birth support persons
• Medical staff reflects patients racially and/or culturally
Chronic Conditions
● Easy access to affordable, healthy foods and exercise opportunities
● Minimize stress related to chronic conditions
● Respected and validated when discussing chronic conditions
Holistic Mental Health Care
•Trustworthy, culturally competent, trauma-informed mental health providers
• Compassionate, non-judgmental care
• Free from judgment
Anyone who is motivated to make our city better for newborns and parents should join the Philly CAN.

Our work is united by a set of shared goals that we call the CAN Common Agenda. Our vision is for a future where pregnant, expecting and new parents are empowered and thriving. Anyone who is motivated to make Philadelphia a better city for infant and maternal health can join the CAN.
Community Focused
All projects, research, etc. begin with lived experiences
Professional Stakeholders: All work is respected, takes commitment and therefore all work gets paid
community driven
Collaborative projects and community ownership
Support — to help working groups focus on ways to stay organized and move projects forward
Collective Impact
Community work: building community to share knowledge, skills and bring about change in Philly
Shared Coalition: common vision and agenda setting at bi-annual meetings
Inclusive Meeting Norms:
Community Logistics:
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