What I wish someone would of told me...

That breastfeeding is hard you and the baby are both learning so it takes time, people make it sound so easy but it wasn’t 

That having a baby changes your relationships , it gets hard when you and your significant other are trading off shifts it leaves less time for the two of you 

That pregnancy and motherhood can alter your mental and emotional health. It is hard and it takes an army, sometimes you won’t have a break or feel support but you need to always keep doing.. no days off!

That you will neglect yourself and lose yourself if you don’t keep giving yourself self care. It’s easy to happen to when your always caring for someone else.

That just because your a mom, doesn’t mean your life is over or had to stop, you can still pursue your goals and ambitions, you don’t have to choose between the two.

Most important you will feel guilt, you will feel lost you will feel like you fall short but kids love guy no matter what. You always have a change to improve, learn and get better it’s never too late!

Melissa Aponte